Digi-Vrata: A Day of Technological SilenceAre you suffering from a severe case of ‘Thumb-scrollitis’ or perhaps the dreaded ‘Notification Fever’? Fear not, my fellow screen zombies…Feb 2, 2024Feb 2, 2024
When Engineers Don’t Engineer: The Paradox of Prompt EngineeringA chance conversation with a friend got me thinking — is a prompt engineer really an engineer 🤔 ? A few hours of ruminating produced this…Feb 2, 2024Feb 2, 2024
Ye Santa Santa Kaun HaiA Santa Episode inspires this sketch note we did last year. We talked about Super Hero Santa, his possible alien origins, his day job and…Dec 23, 2023Dec 23, 2023
2023: The Year We Discovered Technology Hates Us (and Maybe That’s Okay)Let’s face it, folks. 2023 was the year our love affair with technology hit rock bottom. We started the year with visions of AI-powered…Dec 13, 2023Dec 13, 2023
James Bond — Superspy or Tech IconJames Bond, the quintessential spy and unexpected patron saint of the tech world has a knack for turning every high-stakes mission into a…Dec 8, 2023Dec 8, 2023
The Bard Meets the BotIf you are going down the merry path of generative AI, be prepared for this conversation between “THE BARD” and his new AI bot-mate.Dec 1, 2023Dec 1, 2023
The E-Commerce Escapades: How ONDC is Revolutionizing Retail in India, Wodehouse Style!In the bustling bazaars of modern India, a new wave of shopping shenanigans has been unleashed, thanks to the Open Network for Digital…Nov 27, 2023Nov 27, 2023
Ek Step, Do Step, Teen Step — Step by Digital StepWhich “EdTech” has had the most impact on the Indian education ecosystem? While they would loathe being narrowly defined as an ed-tech…Nov 20, 2023Nov 20, 2023
Where Our Furniture Goes to Die. And More NuggetsOnce I stood proud in homes adorned with grace, Crafted with care, I had my place. Now in a bakery’s warm embrace, I fuel the flames, no…Nov 17, 2023Nov 17, 2023
Seller Sees, Buyer Sees, The Market Sees — ONDCPop Quiz — Have you heard of Kudumbashree? Or Cauvery Handicrafts? What about Biswa Bangla? If you are at a loss, you are missing the ONDC…Nov 13, 2023Nov 13, 2023