The E-Commerce Escapades: How ONDC is Revolutionizing Retail in India, Wodehouse Style!

Samiran Ghosh
3 min readNov 27, 2023

In the bustling bazaars of modern India, a new wave of shopping shenanigans has been unleashed, thanks to the Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC). Imagine, if you will, a world where Jeeves, with his infinite wisdom, had turned his attention to the intricacies of online shopping, guiding the hapless Bertie Wooster through the labyrinth of e-commerce. That, my dear friends, is the essence of ONDC’s grand adventure.

The Inception: A Most Peculiar Proposal

Picture this: the Drones Club, with its illustrious array of characters, now buzzing not just with the clink of cocktail glasses but also with heated discussions over the latest in e-commerce. “I say, Jeeves,” Bertie would begin, his brow furrowed in perplexity, “what’s this newfangled ONDC business that’s causing such a stir in the digital souks?”

Jeeves, ever the fount of all knowledge, would adjust his tie and explain, “Sir, ONDC is a network that democratizes the digital marketplace. It allows smaller retailers to compete with the larger e-commerce giants on a more level playing field.”

Bertie, befuddled as ever, would nod, “Ah, a sort of David and Goliath tale, but with more smartphones and fewer slingshots, what?”

ONDC — “Ah, a sort of David and Goliath tale, but with more smartphones and fewer slingshots, what?”

The Tangle: Bertie’s Bumbling E-commerce Endeavors

Imagine Bertie Wooster, emboldened by this newfound knowledge, deciding to embark on a shopping expedition through ONDC. He’d fumble with his phone, tapping haphazardly, much to Jeeves’ discreet dismay. “Jeeves, old bean, it says here I can buy a cow. Should I venture into the dairy business?”

Jeeves, with a barely perceptible sigh, would gently guide Bertie away from agricultural aspirations back to more familiar territory like purchasing spats or new records.

A Comedy of Errors: The Wooster Way of Online Shopping

Bertie’s attempts at navigating ONDC would be a series of comical misadventures. He’d order a dozen bowler hats instead of one, accidentally subscribe to a year’s supply of Stilton cheese, and somehow end up in a bidding war over a vintage banjolele.

“Jeeves,” Bertie would exclaim in a mix of excitement and exasperation, “this ONDC is a veritable jungle of commerce! I seem to be lost in a thicket of offers and deals!”

Jeeves, with his customary aplomb, would rescue Bertie from his digital dilemmas, ensuring that the orders were corrected, and perhaps, subtly steering him towards more sensible purchases.

The Resolution: Jeeves Saves the Day

In the end, Jeeves, with his superior understanding of the digital domain, would ensure that Bertie’s experience with ONDC was a success. The network, with its democratic ethos, would have opened Bertie’s eyes to the wonders of the digital marketplace, allowing him to support smaller businesses and enjoy a wider range of products.

Bertie, lounging in the club with a satisfied air, would declare, “Jeeves, this ONDC is quite the thing! It’s like shopping at the bazaar without having to leave the comfort of one’s armchair.”

“And very beneficial for the smaller retailers, sir,” Jeeves would add, the ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

Epilogue: A Toast to Digital Democracy

So there you have it, a tale of technology and tomfoolery, where ONDC plays the role of a modern-day matchmaker between Bertie Wooster and the vast world of e-commerce. In a land where tradition meets technology, ONDC has indeed become the unsung hero, bringing a touch of Jeeves-like efficiency and equity to the online shopping experience.

“Here’s to ONDC, Jeeves!” Bertie would raise his glass, “Changing the face of e-commerce in India, one click at a time!”

“Indeed, sir,” Jeeves would reply, the very picture of decorum, “A most astute observation.”

And with that, the duo would continue their digital adventures, a blend of old-world charm and new-age technology, much like India itself in the era of ONDC.

Link to the entire podcast —



Samiran Ghosh

Ex-Microsoft. Ex-@McKinsey. Ex-IBM. X-Factor :-). Movie Buff. Love Comics. TEDx Speaker. Dogfather. Startup Advisor.